Thursday, June 28, 2007


When Religion becomes ridicule
I would really like to meet the person who first thought of following someone. How pure his feelings would have been, to follow someone who is not visible, whom u cannot sense, smell or feel. How difficult it would have been to convince others so that they can also think alike and follow the divine power.
Now when I think it is so easy for a person to convince someone to blindly follow in what he says. Now it’s no more about GOD rather now it has come to power.
While coming back from office I saw a mob standing right in the middle of the road yelling on people to change their way just because they were about to take out a rally around the city.

There in crowd was a boy 12-13 years old, wearing ragged cloth which was barely able to cover his lean body. He was holding a flag in one hand and a naked belt in the other. Shouting at the vehicles coming by, his eyes were so bright that by seeing them you can make out the amount of energy he was feeling at that very moment. That energy was not there because he was devoted to his so called “GOD”. It didn’t have even a single seed of divineness in it. It was all because that boy was now able to feel the power in his hands, same hands which might have washed utensils for years or which might have repaired vehicles were now able to control the traffic in any which way they want.

How can a person who is not able to gather his living properly can devote himself in some so called “HOLY” cause. Well according to me this can happen in two ways. One way is when he is so depressed that he has left everything on GOD and takes everything as it comes by thinking that GOD will change his days one day. But this kind of person cannot indulge in any such act of defying the rules. Second way is when a person is made to sense the power of GOD, he is made to feel that he has to do something for GOD. He is provided with power in his hands and told to serve for the ONE. Yes this can be a person who can decide to serve in the same manner as that boy did for his so called “ALMIGHTY”.

In our country when we talk about democracy and freedom there is no big fool than we ourselves. We are the world biggest democracy but I’m very sorry to say this that we might be the world’s first democracy which is becoming slave because of its own conformity. We are so divided within ourselves that when preamble states “WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA” it seems so very gloomy. Sometimes I feel it should be like “I THE HINDU/MUSLIM/SIKH/CHRISTIAN OF INDIA”. We are not living with the feeling of oneness then why the hell should we pretend like one. We are not happy when our neighbors buy a big car, we are not glad when one of our friend is earning more than us, we don’t show courtesy to the one who we think is smaller in position rather even if someone does so we laugh. This is the way we are born and brought up. This is what we have learnt from our parents, our friends and our society. We pray to GOD to protect us from all evil, save us from all miseries always keep his hand on us. Why don’t we pray that whatever you have given is more than enough we don’t need this much, we can survive in this world with a handful of daily bread so GOD rest all you can give to the one who is needy.

I don’t know how am I writing this when I myself is so much corrupt. It might be my frustration which is coming out and by writing this I am again satisfying my own greed to downpour some of my aggravation.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Just a thought

When God met Hunger

GOD -->Who are you dirty fellow, without any clothes and with bones coming out of ur skinny body.
HUNGER --> I’m Hunger. Don’t get confused by my looks. I am the only power present in this fucking world.
GOD --> What are you talking about!!. This is my world. I am the creator. Its me who created land, water, air, plants, animals and my best creation MAN.
HUNGER --> Man which you claim to be as your greatest creation is actually the one who has given me enough power to rule this world. Now I drive him, he do what I say. He blindly follows me. I’m the one who makes him happy and cry out of hunger.
GOD --> Its not possible. You must be kidding. I agree that MAN at times gets deviated from his path but then faith in me that makes him to do all good to this holy world.
HUNGER --> (With a grin) Yeah, Its actually your faith only which resulted in many religions. MAN was never intelligent enough to know that there is only one GOD in this world. You were worshipped in many shapes n faces. Then came preachers who taught them about u, your mightiness.
HUNGER --> They told them to spread your name everywhere possible.
That was the point when I was born. People started spreading their religion, preachers were hungry for power. They misguided people to satisfy their own bloody greed.
GOD --> Still you cannot say that you rule the world. I’m the one who bring them to life. There are more than 4 billion people to believe in me.
HUNGER --> I agree that you are the one who bring them to life. But I am the one who drive them and then take their lives. Daily 50000, people die out of hunger. 1.3 billion People are atheist in this world; they don’t believe that you exist. 3.9 billion People are those who live under poverty line. For them all that matters is food, which you are incapable of providing. Every year more than 11 million children die before seeing their 5th birthday. Moreover more than 800 million people go to bed hungry every day.
Is this the kind of perfectly imperfect world you were trying to make?
Where are you when people fight with each other in your name?
Where are you when children steal bread just because they are hungry?
Where are you when some people who claim to be your follower start killing and misguiding people just for their own greed.

This is the kind of world we are living in where faith in god is just another business and fighting over religion is just another way of stepping over you competitors.
Is this that perfectly imperfect world.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Cow Story

A COW in a Traffic Jam
(About Pain n agony of a cow trapped in a Traffic Jam)

The other day riding on my bike scrambling through a traffic jam, going past autos overtaking busses n cars I suddenly encountered a cow sitting right in the middle of the road. Yes a cow, so daring that she was sitting right in the middle of Traffic Jam staring people right in their eye n chewing like a baseball player chews while hitting a homerun.

Thinking this I drove to my office n thought if I would be cow, what I will do in a traffic jam, what I will think about these huge busses n trucks. How a cow manages in a traffic jam where there is no place for a cycle to pass through. So I decided to jot down some vague ideas of mine.

Cow’s Perspective

An Intellectual Cow:
It’s a hot day today. I’ve not seen a single piece of grass for the past 3 hours, I don’t know where are those days gone when we ppl use to have huge fields to graze n fall off being tired of eating. Where are those golden days!!!!
Now when I sit in the same old field which existed few years back its always big –big animals around making strange kind of noises, running in all the directions, dunno y r they in such a hurry, is there plenty of food available where they r heading?
Only face familiar is the face of MAN our good old friend. Earlier he use to feed us in lieu of our milk, but now I think he is also falling short of food that’s y he is also running with these animals.

A Casanova Cow:
Yo Man!!
Check it out. There r so many HOT Chicks standing on the other side of the road.
HE -> Hey there!! Whts up, come on over we’ll have fun.
SHE -> I can’t there are so many animals running around they had already hurt some of my friends, I’m afraid to come.
HE -> Yo Babe, don’t be afraid I’m with ya just cross the road n b brave.
(Oh man, she is too afraid; I think this the right time to impress her)
HE -> hey Hottie, check it out, this is the way u should chill out, walk down in the middle n just sit down take a deep breath n cool down.
[Suddenly a truck ran over the Romeo]
HE(taking his last breath) Nxt time Babes.

A Leader Cow:
Leader -> [Walking towards the centre of the road] Good morning, Ladies n Gentlecows. Today we are not here to graze, we are not here to sit down n relax and we are not here to shit. Today we are standing here for a cause, Look at your feet see where u r standing!!
Yes ladies n gentlecows this is the same field where our ancestors use to graze and now look around are you able to see any piece of grass anywhere. No, ppl there is no grass all you can see is these big animals running here n there making strange noises.
Just look at urself see how many of us hav lost their legs, tails, horns and even lives because of these huge animals. This is High Time now that we should raise our voice against them. Lets just stand here in the middle of the road and stop these animal to pass by.

Man’s Perspective
Truck driver:
What the hell I’ve been standing in this Traffic Jam for the past 2 hours. These bloody cattle are not moving an inch. God I wish I have wings n I could fly.
I don’t know what kinda shit this govt. is involved in, Y don’t they take care of these stray animals. They force us to pay huge taxes but provide us with the worst infrastructure available on this bloody planet.

Politician’s Perspective:Secretary -> May I come in Sir!
Minister saab -> Wht the hell, how many times I’ve told ya that don’t disturb when I’m sleeping. Ok, come in u ass****.
Secretary -> Sir, there is a good news for you.
Minister saab -> wht is it ass****
Secretary -> Sir, Union Govt. has confirmed to give us Rs. 5 crore under nationwide stray animals rehabilitation program.
Minister saab -> Ok that’s gud, I was just thinking to arrange some money for my Rolls Royce.
Secretary -> Sir Rolls Royce???
Minister saab -> Yes, I want to gift it to one of my friend on his wedding. Do one thing out of those five use 3 to buy a Rolls Royce phantom and 1.5 crore for make some more petrol Bunks.
Seretary -> But Sir 50 lac is too less for managing these stray animals.
Minister saab -> Abe lallu!! It doesn’t matter even if they are sitting there on roads, If we will take care of them then that’s going to cost us continuously for years. Who’s going to pay for the chara they are going to eat n all. Moreover Stray animals are NOT OUR VOTEBANK so do as I say u ass****.